
Message Manager Available Locations

1 minute read

The Message Manager WordPress plugin allows you easily control messages displayed on your website, whether you wish to display a "Sale Price" on some of your e-commerce products, a banner message on some category pages or a Call to Action button in your basket to add further products.

WordPress have created a list of standard locations - called hooks - whereby most WordPress themes should be able to display a message without changing any code, below is an up to date list of these locations and where on the page they refer too. This will help you choose the location within the plugin to display your message.

Please note these are not all the WordPress hooks as many are not location type hooks.

The table below also shows when the hook was created or has been removed, this is important if new versions no longer support the hook.
Make sure you sign up to our Newsletter as we will let you know when new hooks are added so you can use on your website.

Message Manager IDNamePage TypeAddedRemoved