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Error fetching column names or no data available

Posted on: February 12th, 2025 by Stuart

This error could occur if the website or website path is structured unusually. To debug this error follow: The expected output should list an array, this shows that the plugin can access the database. Next, perform these tasks: Look at the Request URL, does it look correct for your website?Also, look at the Status Code […]

Missing “Template” dropdown when editing Posts, Pages or Products

Posted on: October 11th, 2024 by Stuart

If when adding or editing a post (or Page, Product etc) and the dropdown field is missing therefore stopping you from selecting your template file make sure each file includes this line in the header section: Here is an example for the full header:

Calling a Function from another WordPress plugin

Posted on: April 19th, 2024 by Stuart

Let’s say you have two plugins installed in WordPress and you need to run a function in PluginB from PluginA. This code will allow you to do this: Code for PluginB Here we are calling the custom action created in PluginA called plugin_a_custom_action. This code will check that PluginA is active and then get the […]

Website Analytics WordPress Plugin Roadmap

Posted on: November 2nd, 2023 by Stuart

Below I will outline future development plans for this free Website Analytics WordPress plugin, if you would like other upgrades which are not already live or listed below please get in touch. This schedule will be updated regularly with new functionality. Please share if you know of someone that would benefit from this plugin. Thanks.

Installing DataTables for a WordPress Plugin

Posted on: August 22nd, 2023 by Stuart

A quick post about adding/using Datatables in the Admin – backend – section of WordPress in your Theme or Plugin.WordPress loads jQuery automatically – it uses it – so you don’t need to. When you download DataTables jQuery is either linked to or is a file as part of the download. Using another version of […]

How to Blacklist an IP address and redirect them

Posted on: June 2nd, 2023 by Stuart

If your website is having a lot of traffic from an IP address and you would like to redirect them to a landing page, here is the code to do it. With this WordPress function which you can add to your functions.php file, you can add IP addresses into the array called $blocked_ips and change […]

How to Turn off HTML Form Field Autocomplete

Posted on: June 1st, 2023 by Stuart

To turn off the browser autocomplete for HTML form fields you use the command autocomplete=yes. If the field is an email field like: You can use the autocomplete=”email” too. Now that is easy, right?However, the autocomplete command is only a signal to the browsers to act on and is not guaranteed. Sometimes they just ignore […]

Creating WooCommerce Checkout Rate Limiting

Posted on: June 1st, 2023 by Stuart

If you have read another one of my posts about Stop Fake Spam WooCommerce Orders you will know how important it is to secure your Woocommerce – in fact any website platform – checkout page from bots testing their stolen credit cards.That’s right, one of the most common ways for thieves to test if their […]

Stop Fake Spam WooCommerce Orders

Posted on: May 31st, 2023 by Stuart

Have you received one or many attempts of fraudulent orders on your WooCommerce WordPress website, as one of my clients did, here are some solutions to reduce this from happening in the future. What this will do is run a function called spam_account which will compare the name. the first line in the address, phone […]

Create WooCommerce PHP Function to get the top 3 products bought at the same time from a product_id

Posted on: May 19th, 2023 by Stuart

Quite a long post title this one, if you would like a function in WordPress/WooCommerce to list the top 3 other products bought at the same time as a supplied product_id here is the code. I am using MySQL join commands to connect up the following three tables:postswoocommerce_order_itemswoocommerce_order_itemmeta Here is the function to add to […]
