
Error fetching column names or no data available

1 minute read

This error could occur if the website or website path is structured unusually. To debug this error follow:

  1. Open Developer Console (F12 > Console Tab).
  2. Run the following command, copy it, and paste it into the console (you may need to confirm that it is ok to paste code into the console).
   .then(response => response.json())
   .then(data => console.log("DEBUG AJAX Response:", data));

The expected output should list an array, this shows that the plugin can access the database.

  "success": true,
  "data": [
    {"_name": "Column Name 1", "_auto": "1"},
    {"_name": "Column Name 2", "_auto": "0"},
    {"_name": "Column Name 3", "_auto": "0"}

Next, perform these tasks:

  1. Open Developer Console (F12 > Network > Fetch/XHR).
  2. Click the failed request to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=jgct_get_table_columns.
  3. Check the Headers tab for the Response URL.

Look at the Request URL, does it look correct for your website?
Also, look at the Status Code for more clues.

With this information please could you contact us so we can advise further, there is a small chance that a patch is needed to fix the error.

Click HERE to contact Jumping Giraffe
